Song and Dance

Today Brenda, John (the driver, not Honorable), and I headed down to Masaka to celebrate Father Jumba’s brother’s first CD release of Ugandan gospel music.


Hon. John had told us two days before that Brenda had to show up to speak in his place. So while we were all listening to different artists, Brenda was trying to come up with something to say.

Brenda speaking

When the time came for Brenda to give her speech, she did quite well. And then we left and headed back to Kampala.

By the way, in case you’re wondering…Hon. John is in Cairo speaking to leaders of the World Bank about his new ministry, and also showing off his latest toy from Inveneo…

John and the Inveneo machine

Anyway, back to the drive back to Kampala. Driving in Uganda is quite an experience, especially when John the Driver is at the wheel. He’s very experienced at the dodge the pothole game, but he also goes quite fast on the long open stretches. Oh, yes, it’s quite a bumpy ride.

Along the way you also see sights like…

Hanging out

People chilling out in the back of a car.

Passing the Matoke

You also pass the slow trucks carrying the matoke…and who knows what else.


And the occasional surprising and somewhat frightening sight of cows.packed.into.a.truck.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen…I’ve seen it all. Oi vey.

Ah, driving in Uganda…It’s perfectly safe, er sketchy, er safe. Trust me.

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